bespoke renderings & technical drawings


More work on Hard Surface modeling

The moving lights series has gotten me interested in more hard surface modeling.  Had a bit of time today and put together my own lightsaber.  Modeled in Vectorworks and rendered with Corona and Cinema 4D. Nerd alert.

Evan AlexanderComment

Found a good Tumbler model on Turbosquid and thought I would kick it around a bit.

Had to modify it a bit........

Evan AlexanderComment

Saw a cool stairwell in the Sam Smith + Logic video for Pray.  Thought I would try to build something similar.  It's not the type of architecture I usually build or texture.  I rushed the lighting so it could use another pass at that.

The original source.  Not sure where they filmed.

Evan AlexanderComment
Concept art

Working on some quick concept art studies.  Been playing with Grass in Corona too.

Nyra model provided by Paul Tosca

Evan AlexanderComment

Trying to fill the room with water.  Hard to get it too look right.  Spoiler alert: The dog lives!

Theater practice

Built a theater on the fly today loosely based on some research.  It's built to scale, but not fully dealing with reality.  Modeled it all except the chair and the Source 4 that I had in stock.

Evan AlexanderComment
More posing work

I saw Justice League The other night. It's what you expect: dumb but entertaining. I thought Ezra Miller as The Flash was excellent.  The marketing posters, however, were not great - (no offense DC!). Overly yellow and flat.


How can you make gorgeous people like Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa, and Ben Affleck look that bad?  Don't even get me started on the typography...

Turbosquid has a great model of the Flash, so I posed him up and made my own. Cinema4d & Corona with lots of photoshop.


Evan AlexanderComment